District 16N Quick Facts
Every year we strive to increase membership and spread kindness through service. We are always looking for service minded individuals to get involved in their communities and join in our global endeavors to tackle important issues like Vision, Hunger, Diabetes, the Environment and Childhood Cancer.
Our Membership
2023-2024 District Membership Initiatives
Fellow Lions we are undoubtedly in uncharted waters as we continue to adapt and adjust to our new normal. The coronavirus (COVID-19) is creating challenges for one of our most traditional membership experiences, the club, zone and district meetings. Since many clubs are unable to meet in person due to social distancing rules and guidelines, we are striving to find new ways to communicate and coordinate our efforts to serve our communities during these difficult times. A review of our district membership information has revealed that we have some minor housekeeping to do in order to continue to serve and communicate effectively, now and in the future. To that end, the district has identified a few easy tasks for our clubs to tackle which will improve our ability to effectively communicate and allow us to be successful in our current and future service endeavors. To learn more about these initiatives please contact your Zone Chair.
District 16N Membership Dashboard
The dashboard below was put together using the club membership data from MyLCI. The purpose of this dashboard is to illustrate the District's 2020-2021 club data initiatives to improve the data we rely upon to organize and make important decisions. The initiative is focused on entering member emails, updating birthdays, and completing the occupational information for each club. Having accurate information allows the District to better communicate and serve its members.
To drill down to the Zone and Club Level Data Please visit the Zone and Club Membership Information Pages From the Resources Menu Below: